作者: 加拿大教育部 编,刘巍 译
出版社:天津人民出版社 2014-9-1
简介:《加拿大语文读本》,继威廉·麦加菲的《美国语文》之后,为中国学生编辑出版的另一套经典语文教材。本书是加拿大教育部编写的5卷本英文《加拿大语文》的精选本,以中英双语对照形式出版,面向国内小学高年级以上读者。本书既能帮助孩子提高英语水平,又能及早让孩子们熟悉这个遥远而富有魅力的国度,以及它与英美等国相关的历史文化。为方便中国读者了解原著背景,每一篇课文均附有历史、社会等方面的详尽解注。通过趣味而有教育意义的故事,引发孩子们学习语言的兴趣;并向规范、美丽的文学作品过渡,让孩子们掌握语言的艺术,并感受加国的人文历史等。读者可下载配套的英文朗读,更好地使用这一教材。 This set of graded readers published in the beginning of 20th century was prescribed for use in the schools of Canada. Throughout the work, two main aims are considered. Firstly, every lesson centers about something in which children are interested. Secondly, the children are lead to a love of literature. Many of the stories and poems herein contained will be found again and again by the children in the world’s best books.The choice of selections aims to improve the taste, train the judgment, ennoble the ideas, and exercises the imagination of the pupils. So they can develop a good preference for good literature.