作者: (明)宗喀巴 著,拉强·白玛加措,(澳)贝利 译
出版社:西藏人民出版社 2008-7-1
简介: The story of the Perpetually Weeping Bodhisattva is eloquentlyrecorded in this classic narrativeby the famous saint, Taongkhapa( 1357 - 1419). In the unique style of poetic prose and provocativeverse, Tsongkhapa brings alive to the reader the life of thearchetypal disciple, Perpetu;llly Weeping. The story of PerpetuallyWeeping (Sadaprart,tita, rtae tu ngu) is first mentioned in therenowned Perfection of Wisdom scripture the Prajnaparamitasutra. Building on this foundation, Tsongkhapa pays f'urtherhomage to Perpetually Weeping, recounting his deeds andilluminating the profound wisdom of his great teacher, SublimeWisdom. Perpetually Weeping's extreme acts of selflessness,his unparalled devotion to his teacher and the teachings of thePerfection of Wisdom, enable him and countless sentient beings to be liberated from the suffering of worldly existence.