作者: 封一函
出版社:北京大学出版社 2018年05月
1.Disintroductions Ambrose B ierce ( 1) …………………………………………
2.The Road to Success Andrew Carneg ie ( 4) …………………………………
3.Thanksgiving Andy Rooney ( 7) …………………………………………………
4.H idden Pennies Annie D illard ( 10) ………………………………………………
5.Moral Perfection Benjam in Franklin ( 14) ………………………………………
6.The Ephem era:An Emblem ofHum an Life Benjam in Franklin ( 18) ……………………………………………………………
7.The Handsom e and Deform ed Leg Benjam in Franklin ( 21) …………………
8.TrustYourself:You Know More than You Think You Do Benjam in Spock ( 25) ………………………………………………………………
9.How to Dealw ith People Dale Carneg ie ( 27) …………………………………
10.Education(I) E.B.White ( 35) ………………………………………………
11.Education(II) E.B.White ( 38) ………………………………………………
12.Listening E.Welty ( 41) …………………………………………………………
13.A Message to Garcia ElbertHubbard ( 46) ……………………………………
14.Sinking the Relationship Ellen Goodm an ( 52) ………………………………
15.Learning to Read andW rite Frederick Doug lass ( 55) ………………………
16.Three Days to See Helen Keller ( 62) …………………………………………
17.The Education ofHenry Adam s Henry Adam s ( 66) …………………………
18.Love Your Life Henry David Thoreau ( 73) ……………………………………
19.Solitude Henry David Thoreau ( 75) ……………………………………………
20.My Days Henry David Thoreau ( 79) ……………………………………………
21.TheW riting of English Henry SeidelCanby ( 82) ……………………………
22.The Pathless Profession(I) Henry van Dyke ( 85) …………………………
23.The Pathless Profession(II) Henry van Dyke ( 89) …………………………
24.Haw thorne and H isMosses Herm anMelville ( 94) ……………………………
25.Notes of a Native Son Jam es Baldw in ( 100) …………………………………
26.A D iscussion of Fem inine Types(I) Jam es Thurber ( 104) ………………
27.A D iscussion of Fem inine Types(II) Jam es Thurber ( 110) ………………
28.Stop Murdering the Language John Leo ( 113) ………………………………
29.One Sm all Life Joseph Farkas ( 117) ……………………………………………
30.The Truth about Lying(I) Jud ith Viorst ( 121) ………………………………
31.The Truth about Lying(II) Jud ith Viorst ( 124) ………………………………
32.A ManWho Had No Eyes MacKinlay Kantor ( 128) ……………………………
33.At the Mercy of the Cure MarkMathabane ( 132) ……………………………
34.Mont B lanc Mark Twain ( 137) …………………………………………………
35.TheWays ofMeeting Oppression(I) Martin LutherKing Jr. ( 141) ………
36.TheWays ofMeeting Oppression(II) Martin LutherKing Jr. ( 145) ………
37.The Prom ised Land Mary Antin ( 150) …………………………………………
38.The Rewards of Living a Solitary Life May Sarton ( 156) ……………………
39.A Lesson in Living Maya Angelou ( 159) ………………………………………
40.The TeacherWho Changed My Life N icholas G age ( 164) …………………
41.Pain Is Not the Ultim ate Enemy Norm an Cousins ( 171) ……………………
42.G ive Me Liberty,or G ive Me Death PatrickHenry ( 176) ……………………
43.C ircles RalphWaldo Em erson ( 181) ……………………………………………
44.G ifts RalphWaldo Em erson ( 186) ………………………………………………
45.Nature RalphWaldo Em erson ( 190) ……………………………………………
46.Beauty(I) RalphWaldo Em erson ( 193) ………………………………………
47.Beauty(II) RalphWaldo Em erson ( 196) ………………………………………
48.Spirit RalphWaldo Em erson ( 200) ………………………………………………
49.Art RalphWaldo Em erson ( 204) …………………………………………………
50.The Am erican Scholar(I) RalphWaldo Em erson ( 207) ……………………
51.The Am erican Scholar(II) RalphWaldo Em erson ( 210) ……………………
52.D ivinity SchoolAddress(I) RalphWaldo Em erson ( 213) ……………………
53.D ivinity SchoolAddress(II) RalphWaldo Em erson ( 216) …………………
54.Literary Ethics(I) RalphWaldo Em erson ( 219) ………………………………
55.Literary Ethics(II) RalphWaldo Em erson ( 222) ……………………………
56.Self-Reliance RalphWaldo Em erson ( 225) ………………………………………
57.Daddy Tucked the B lanket(I) RandallW illiam s ( 229) ………………………
58.Daddy Tucked the B lanket(II) RandallW illiam s ( 232) ……………………
59.The PlotAgainst People RussellBaker ( 235) …………………………………
60.EveryMan's NaturalDesire to Be Som ebody E lse(I) SamuelMcChord C rothers ( 239) …………………………………………………
61.EveryMan's NaturalDesire to Be Som ebody E lse(II) SamuelMcChord C rothers ( 244) …………………………………………………
62.What Is an Am erican? J.Hector St.John de C rèvecoeur ( 248) ……………
63.Beauty Susan Sontag ( 254) ………………………………………………………
64.Neat People vs.Sloppy People Suzanne Britt ( 258) …………………………
65.Som e Self-Analysis Theodore Roethke ( 261) …………………………………
66.The Strenuous Life Theodore Roosevelt ( 265) …………………………………
67.The Crisis(I) Thom as Paine ( 270) ……………………………………………
68.The Crisis(II) Thom as Paine ( 275) ……………………………………………
69.Upon Receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature W illiam Faulkner ( 281) ……………………………………………………………
70.Bovine and Hum an Happiness W illiam Lyon Phelps ( 284) ……………………
71.Why IW rite W illiam Saroyan ( 287) ………………………………………………
72.How It Feels to Be Colored Me(I) Zora Neale Hurston ( 291) ……………
73.How It Feels to Be Colored Me(II) Zora Neale Hurston ( 295) ……………