Process Neural Networks
作者: 何新贵,许少华 著
出版社:浙江大学出版社 2009-7-1
简介: Process Neural Networks Theory and Applications proposes theconcept and model of a process neural network for the first time,showing how it expands the mapping relationship between the inputand output of traditional neural networks and enhances theexpression capability for practical problems, with broadapplicability to solving problems relating to processes inpractice. Some theoretical problems such as continuity, functionalapproximation capability, and computing capability, are closelyexamined. The application methods, network construction principles,and optimization algorithms of process neural networks in practicalfields, such as nonlinear time-varying system modeling, processsignal pattern recognition, dynamic system identification, andprocess forecast, are discussed in detail. The informationprocessing flow and the mapping relationship between inputs andoutputs of process neural networks are richly illustrated.