作者: 李刚,常丽萍,李胜 编著
出版社:清华大学出版社 2015-1-1
简介: Fundamentals of Signals and Systems deals with the concepts of signals and systems, which are the corner-stone of a wide variety of areas ranging from home-oriented consumer electronics and multimedia entertainment products to sophisticated communications, aeronautics and astronautics, and control. A course on signals and systems is fundamental and compulsory for an engineering under-graduate curriculum in any well-established tertiary (education) institutions. This book provides readers with the basic principles and methods underlying the analysis of signals and systems in the context of both continuous- and discrete-time, including Fourier analysis based representations for signals and both time- and transform-domain approaches as well as state-space approach to (linear time-invariant) systems. Great emphasis is placed on being concise, easy for self-study, and rigorous. Compared with most of the existing textbooks on the same topics, more effort is made in this book to provide a clear picture of the relationship between linear constant differential/difference equations and linear time-invariant systems. Another significant feature of this book is a separated chapter (Chapter 8) that contains a set of comprehensive exercises, each of which usually involves mathematical deviations and more sophisticated application of the concepts and approaches provided in the entire text book rather than an individual chapter. This book is primarily designed for undergraduate students majoring electrical & electronics and information engineering, the concepts and techniques introduced in the book, however, are of fundamental importance in all other engineering disciplines. Readers of this book are assumed to have a basic background in engineering mathematics, including calculus, complex functions, and linear differential equations. Some knowledge on circuit theory, though not a prerequisite, would be helpful for the study.