Fundamentals of Aerospace Materials and Processes 航空航天材料与工艺基础
作者: 张彦华 编著
出版社:北京航空航天大学出版社 2016年1月
简介: 《航空航天材料与工艺基础(英文版)》The main objective in this book is to present the fundamentals of materials science and processes used inaerospace engineering.The book starts with an overview of the structures of materials (Chapter 1).Chapter 2discusses the mechanical properties of materials and Chapter 3 examines the solidification and phase diagrams.This is followed by Chapter 4 through 6 are then devoted to the important engineering materials.The nextthree Chapters (Chapters 7 through 9) deal with the important field of materials processes, namely casting,deformation forming and welding.Chapter 10 represents the materials and processes selection for aerospacestructures.