作者: 徐远翔,印永健 著,王壹晨,王国振 译
出版社:五洲传播出版社 2014-6-1
简介: 《千年道德经——老子》,向国外读者介绍中国本土化宗教道教思想的始祖和灵魂人物——老子的生平及其经典语录。老子是中国古代的一位伟大思想家,老子撰述的《道德经》仅五千言,却包含十分丰富的哲学思想,开创了中国古代哲学思想的先河。 In any Taoist area of China, it is common to see a statue of an old man, with white hair and beard, long ears drooping down towards his shoulders. He is Lao Tzu, the man most closely associated with Taoist belief. Lao Tzu was famous for his Tao Te Ching. The original meaning of the Chinese character “Tao” is “a road or path people walk upon;” however, the “Tao” of Lao Tzu is a sublimation and extension of that meaning….