作者: 徐远翔,张兵 著,王壹晨 王国振 译
出版社:五洲传播出版社 2014-6-1
简介: 《亚圣——孟子》,向国外读者介绍孔子以后的儒学大师、被中国历代知识分子尊崇为“亚圣”的孟子的生平及其经典语录。孟子是中国古代思想家、教育家,他发展了孔子的“礼治”和“德政”思想,提倡“王道”,主张“仁政”,后世将他与孔子合称为“孔孟”。 Confucius and Mencius are known in the Chinese history as the two greatest sages. In the two millennia that have passed since Mencius lived, his thoughts and ideas have continued to have a major influence on the Chinese people. Even today, people can be regularly heard to quote the sayings of this man….