The Cambridge Companion to Bob Dylan
作者: 本社 编著
出版社:Cambridge University Press 2011-11-1
简介:A towering figure in American culture and a globaltwentieth-century icon, Bob Dylan has been at the centre ofAmerican life for over forty years. The Cambridge Companion to BobDylan brings fresh insights into the imposing range of Dylan'screative output. The first Part approaches Dylan's outputthematically, tracing the evolution of Dylan's writing and hisengagement with American popular music, religion, politics, fame,and his work as a songwriter and performer. Essays in Part IIanalyse his landmark albums to examine the consummate artistry ofDylan's most accomplished studio releases. As a writer Dylan hascourageously chronicled and interpreted many of the culturalupheavals in America since World War II. This book will beinvaluable both as a guide for students of Dylan andtwentieth-century culture, and for his fans, providing a set of newperspectives on a much-loved writer and composer.