共找到 25 项 “林国显[等]著” 相关结果
Study on the procedure of economic analysis for transportation projects.2
作者: 林国显[等]著
Study on the procedure of economic analysis for transportation projects.1
Prospect analysis of intercity transporation observation.3
作者: 林国显等著
Study on establishing a decision support system and integrated database for transportation infrastructure deliberations.1
Study on submit and review procedure improvement for railroad grade separation projects in Taiwan
Transportation demand analysis and highway network planning of international logistics for the science park areas in southern Taiwan
Integrating the applications of sustainable transportation planning model and models for projecting energy consumption and air pollutants emissions
简介:全球氣候變遷已是一個事實,加強管制溫室氣體排放已成為國際趨勢。為落實推動運輸部門節約能源與減少溫室氣體排放量各項行動方案,在從事運輸規劃作業階段,即需考慮環境因子之影響。本所近年來對於構建運輸需求模式部分已有充分之掌握,若能將能源消耗、污染排放等議題納入運輸規劃作業中一併考量,可更強化模式之分析能力。本計畫係延續96-97年「能源消耗、污染排放與運輸規劃作業關聯分析之研究」2年期研究成果,積極構建「運輸規劃與能源消耗、污染排放整合型模式」,以提升運輸規劃模式之分析能力,使公路運輸計畫形成過程中,即能夠評量能耗、排放特性,強化評估體系之完整性,以確保「增進運輸資源使用效率、減少環境污染與衝擊、推動永續發展策略」等政策目標之達成。本計畫具體研究成果如下: 1.本計畫於車載設備技術相對成熟之際,於國內首次進行小汽車於實際道路運行之能耗/排放研究,凸顯在研究創新層面的努力。所蒐集的龐大資料可驗證推估模式之有效性並與國外資料相比較。 2.本計畫根據蒐集的小汽車運行瞬時資料,建立了第一套本土化之能耗/排放隨道路類型、隨車速轉換曲線。 3.本計畫將能耗/排放模式與運輸規劃模式整合,並以巨觀、微觀案例展現其應用能力,確實強化了運輸策略於能耗/排放指標上之評估能力,是交通部門計畫投資評估與決策支援體系的重要一環。 4.本計畫為本所發展的「運輸部門節能及溫室氣體減量推估架構」提供一套對公路交通管理策略更為敏感的車輛排放係數,得以較正確的反映交控與ATMS的節能減碳效益。
Capacity and service level analysis of exclusive motorcycle lanes, urban bus transit facilities, and urban arterials.2
Demand model of intercity transportation systems under national sustainable development in Taiwan.4
Relation analysis between energy consumption emissions and transportation planning.1
Capacity and service level analysis of exclusive motorcycle lanes, urban bus transit facilities, and urban arterials.1
Mechanism for sustainable development in construction and operation on MRT system
Study to define relationships between transportation system and socio-economic development.1
User guidebook of the economic evaluation software for transportation projects
Study on the relation analysis between energy consumption emissions and transportation planning.2
Prospect analysis of intercity transporation observation.2
Traffic flow characteristics of toll plazas, tunnels, and upgrade segments on freeways and other roadways.1
Planning of a bicycle network system for the eastern region.2
Traffic survey of the national freeway No. 5 corridor
Demand model of intercity transportation systems under national sustainable development in Taiwan.3