Rock mass mechanics
作者: 王文星主编
简介: During the period from the end of 1950s to the early 1960s, a series of engineering disasters of rock mass occurred one after another, for example, in December 1959, the foundation of the Malpasset concrete arch dam in France failed and resulted in a flood and about 450 people were killed ; in October 1963, a landslide of upstream of the reservoir of Vajont dam in Italy generated wave of 100 meters overtopped the dam and killed about 2500 people of the downstream of the dam; in
1960, a coal mine in South Mriea collapsed with the loss of 432 lives; in our country, several mines, such as Stannary Mining Bureau, Pangushan tungsten mine, Dajishan tungsten mine were mined in open stopping method, generated early or late many dilapidations of large-scale rock mass. These disasters aroused the galactic attention of people of rock engineering world and they joined in the study of rock mass mechanics, making rock mass mechanics effectively developed, and formed an
engineering subject with specifically category of investigation. At the same time, the course of rock mechanics was arranged in various specialties associated with rock projects in overseas institutions of higher learning. In our country, because of serious disturbance of euhural revolution, it was just in the first grade (new grade 1977) after resuming of enrolment system of institutions of higher learning that rock mass mechanics start to be taken as a basal course of specialty of mining engineering.