The Best Practices of Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use in China
作者: 环境保护部环境保护对外合作中心
出版社:中国环境出版社 2018年09月
The Greater Mekong Subregio(GMS) is aarea where biodiversity resources are among the richest. Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and China (Specifically YunnaProvince & Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region), play key roles iGMS biodiversity conservation. GMS has the potential to be one of the fastest growing economic areas ithe world. While its economic growth paves way to local prosperity, it also posts challenges for biodiversity conservation. (As humaneeds for natural resources are elevated oa daily basis, it is of great importance to protect biological diversity iGMS, implement effective biodiversity conservatioand regionally sustainable ecosystem services and advocate resource development and utilizatioia sustainable'manner.)
The Chinese government attaches great importance to ecological civilizatioreform and ecological and environmental conservation. The 19th CPC National People's Congress clearly proposed that building aecological civilizatiois vital to sustaithe nation's development. We must realize that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. We must continue the Beautiful China initiative to create good working and living environments for our people. It is aobligatiofor China to bee aimportant participant, contributor, and torchbearer ithe global endeavor for ecological civilization.
As one of the first signatories to the ConventiooBiological Diversity , the Chinese government has put substantial investment ibiodiversity for years, and has made tremendous achievements ithis area. I2010, the State Council of China launched National Biodiversity ConservatioStrategy and ActioPla(2011-2030) placing biodiversity as a national priority. I2011, the State Council of China established the China National Committee for Biodiversity Conservatioto prehensively coordinate and promote biodiversity conservatioat the national level. Meanwhile, China has also made great progress and accumulated abundant experiences olaws and regulations, policy-making, financing, in-situ conservation, ex-situ conservation, sustainable use, access and benefits sharing, scientific research and publicity and education, demonstrating China s image as a responsible power.