Linguistics in China. No 1 /
作者: edited by Feng Shi and Hongming Zhang = 语言学文选. 第一辑 / 主编石锋, 张洪明.
简介: This is a translated collection of the most
distinguishedjournal articles of the Chinese linguistics field.
Articles wereselected for their originality, novelty, theoretical
significance,and enlightenment to general linguistics study. Most
ofthe articles selected were published in the last five years.The
eighteen articles included in this book cover nearlyall major
areas of Chinese linguistics, such as phonology,syntax,
semantics, pragmatics, language contact, languageevolution, and
comparative studies of Sino-Tibetan languages.These articles
document discussions of some theoreticalissues through the case
studies of Asian languages. Thisbook is appropriate for readers
of the linguistics circle andserves as a reference book in
Chinese linguistics study.