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作者: 罗汉编著
简介:Maya是时下一个极端流行的三维动画制作软件,MEL是Maya追求者渴望的巅峰技术,掌握MEL代表着Maya技能的全面逾越。本书作者在一线专攻Maya多年,积累了丰富的实战经验。 全书共分13章,第1章为Maya入门之作,主要针对Maya入门级用户,3个经典实例可以让读者迅速掌握Maya的所有功能设置;第2~10章为MEL篇,主要针对Maya中高级用户,由浅入深、详细讲解了MEL语法结构和各种函数命令;第11~13章为实战篇,通过精彩实例让读者系统地运用MEL做出高级别的制作效果。 本书最大特点是抛弃大量繁琐的文字讲解,运用图形来陈述步骤。每一张图形都尽量采用全屏图,且标注了步骤流程线和操作项,简洁直观,让读者从文字讲解的苦海中脱离出来。 本书面向所有想了解Maya、运用Maya,并最终成为Maya设计师的追求者和爱好者,同时也可作为大、中专院校、社会培训班的培训教材。 本书配套光盘内容为书中部分实例。
作者: 罗汉编著
简介:如何利用有限的时间,对生命进行有效保养?近年来,我和我的专家们一直在研究这个课题,一方面让繁忙的都市人有生命保养的紧迫感,同时又根据他们时间有限、工作繁忙的实际情况,教他们一些简单实用、不花专门时间和专门场所来进行生命保养的方法。 鉴于大多数人爱车胜于爱自己的特点,本书采取将人体与车保养对照的手法,以修复并激发人体自身抗病能力为宗旨,遵从顺应自然的中华养生学原理,让大家充分了解生命的规律,知晓如何利用有限的时间,对生命进行有效保养。 忙,将不再成为借口!热爱生活,尊重生命;自己第二,健康第一。 1. 主题鲜活,富有生命力。 我们天天都在喊珍惜生命,也没有谁否认自己不珍惜生命,可是我们人类挥霍浪费最大的就是我们视为无价的生命,并且自己还没有意识到。你想想,从科学的角度出发,动物寿命的长短有性成熟期测算法、生长期测算法、细胞分裂次数与周期测算法等,无论根据哪一种测算法,人的生命周期应在100岁至150岁之间,但我们绝大多数达不到,还理所当然地说“人生七十古来稀”。《生命保养手册》从生活中来,是作者几十年生活和研究的结晶,明确指出了我们人类达不到自然寿命的主要原因,那就是我们缺乏对生命进行保养。它将唤醒忙碌的都市人,每天抽出很短的时间对生命进行保养,个人、家庭和社会都会受益无穷 2. 概念新颖,极易共鸣 《生命保养手册》将大家耳熟能详的汽车保养概念引入生命保养之中,将人体与汽车保养对照的手法,以修复并激发人体自身抗病能力为宗旨;遵从顺应自然的中华养生学原理,让大家充分了解生命的规律,知道如何利用有限的时间,对生命发动机——肾、生命能量系统、电子燃油喷射系统——脾胃、生命排放系统、安全系统——心脑血管系统、生命电路系统——经络、转向系统——心理等六大系统进行保养。它告戒我们每一个人,如果你不在急赶的财富路上歇歇脚,对生命进行一保、二保、三保,那么,疾病就会光临,你的生命就会打折扣。 3. 方法简单,便于操练 《生命保养手册》全力打造100岁工程,不仅从观念上呼吁人们重视保养生命,而且介绍了自己潜心研究并行之有效的简单易学的保养方法,如叩齿咽津养颜功、眼睛保养法、耳朵保养法、牙齿保养法、鼻子保养法、喉咙保养法、颈椎保养法、男子性功能保养法等。方法简单易学,操作性很强。 4. 介绍常识,纠正错误 本书还介绍了一些常识,如:最佳起床时间、最佳饮水时间、最佳锻炼时间、隔着玻璃晒太阳没有效果等;指出了我们的一些错误的生活习惯,如:早晨醒后即起床、饭后马上吃水果等。
College business English a course for economy and trade
作者: 罗汉编著
简介:UNIT ONE PartⅠ 1.Text Econom ic Choice—the Production Possibility Curve 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Point PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT TWO PartⅠ 1.Text Application to Major Economic Problems 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT THREE PartⅠ 1.Text The Self-Regulating Market 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT FOUR PartⅠ 1.Text Adam Smith and the Classical Economists 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT FIVE PartⅠ 1.Text Restraints upon Imports 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT SIX PartⅠ 1.Text The Accumulation of Capital 2.Econom ic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT SEVEN PartⅠ 1.Text The Demand Curve 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT EIGHT PartⅠ 1.Text The Supply Curve 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT NINE PartⅠ 1.Text The“Law”of Supply and Demand 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT TEN PartⅠ 1.Text Growth of Government in the United States 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Point PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT ELEVEN PartⅠ 1.Text Causes of the Expansion of Government 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT TWELVE PartⅠ 1.Text Economic Stabilization:Monetary Policy 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT THIRTEEN PartⅠ 1.Text Function of the FederalReserve System 2.Econom ic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT FOURTEEN PartⅠ 1.Text Federal Reserve Monetary Policies 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT FIFTEEN PartⅠ 1.Text The Mixed American Economy:Private Sector 2.Economic Term 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT SIXTEEN PartⅠ 1.Text Product and Income Concepts 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT SEVENTEEN PartⅠ 1.Text Costs and Benefits of the National Debt 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT EIGHTEEN PartⅠ 1.Text Causes of Inflation 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT NINETEEN PartⅠ 1.Text Welfare and Efficiency 2.Economic Terms 3.Language Point PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT TWENTY PartⅠ 1.Text Capital and Interest 2.Econom ic Terms 3.Language Points PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices
作者: 罗汉编著
简介: 诗是文学的最高形式,是用心灵、心血凝铸的至美艺术。她穿着声调美 、言语美的华丽衣裳,包裹着道德美、情感美的本性,千年不变地陪伴着我 们,真诚地欢迎我们认识她,熟悉她,拥有她,运用她。当然,作为读者, 你不能期待读上几百首诗歌便可以成为诗人,但你完全可以期待博大精深的 唐诗会使你在品德上有几分杜甫的忠厚;在精神上有几分李白的气节;在心 境上有几分孟浩然的清纯;在气质上有几分王维的风雅;在性格上有几分贺 知章的天真…… 品诗不仅可以使你增长知识,更可以使你获得最大化的优雅与美丽。因 为你做的是心灵的美容。
College business English: a course for economy and trade: teacher’s book
作者: 罗汉编著
简介:UNIT ONE 1 PartⅠ Referential Translation of the Text: 经济选择——生产可能性曲线 PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT TWO PartⅠ Referential Translation of the Text: 在主要经济学问题上的应用 PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT THREE PartⅠ Referential Translation of the Text: 自我调节的市场 PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT FOUR PartⅠ Referential Translation of the Text: 亚当·斯密和古典经济学家 PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT FIVE PartⅠ Referential Translation of the Text: 遏制进口 PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT SIX PartⅠ Referential Translation of the Text: 资本的积聚 PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics PartⅢ Exercises:Multiple Choices UNIT SEVEN PartⅠ Referential Translation of the Text: 需求曲线 PartⅡ Exercises:Translation 1.Translate the Following Phrases 2.Translate the Following Sentences 3.Translate the Following Chinese Passage into English 4.Questions&Discussion Topics …… UNIT NINE UNIT TEN UNIT ELEVEN UNIT TWELVE UNIT THIRTEEN UNIT FOURTEEN UNIT FIFTEEN UNIT SIXTEEN UNIT SEVENTEEN UNIT EIGHTEEN UNIT NINETEEN UNIT TWENTY Answers to Multiple Choices