Linguistic essays By Yuenren Chao
作者: 赵元任著;吴宗济,赵新那编
简介: y.r.chao(zhao yuan-ren)was born in tianjin,nov.3rd,1892.after reception of traditional chinese education in his boyhood,he was sent to a high school in nanking to receive modern 1910,he won a national scholarship and went to cornell university to study science and mathematics.when graduated in 1914,he was accepted by harvard for gradu-ate study in philosphy,and receivde his in 1919 he began to teach physics at tsinghua college in peking .when bertrand russell had his iecturing tour in china,y.r.chao was asked to be the interpreter.during the tour,chao showed exceptional ability in using different local dialects for the translations in southern region.