作者: 陈自强
出版社:海燕出版社 2009年06月
简介:“陈氏太极双刀”是陈氏太极套路中双器械的一种,几百年来在陈家沟广为流传。此套路布局合理、刀法清晰,以劈、砍、撩、挂、扎等刀法及刀舞花为主,同时结合了陈氏太极拳手、眼、身法、步,再运用太极的独有劲力,练起来威武有力,协调一致。练好双刀的基本要求:两刀不论从里往外,从上到下,从前到后,从左到右都要经过后脑缠绕而过,方可发力;再加上套路拳术中的要求,所以想练好双刀实属不易;想体现出刀如流水、步法如飞,双刀交叉而不乱,双刀先后缠头裹脑快速发力,达到快而不乱、慢而不散的境界,更是难上加难。The movements are arranged such that every movement is distinctive. The moves are mainly chopping, pitting, hanging, stabbing and knife dancing combining the moves of fists, eyes, and side-steps to swerve and evade attack in addition to the distinct firmness of motion that defines Taiji. The two basic requirements of playing double broad sword are: wherever the swords come either from the center to the outside, or from the upside to the downside, or from the front to the back, or from the left to the right, they have to twine through your center to deliver strength. Due to the elaborate requirements of the fist movement it is really not easy to play double broad sword well. One should aim to achieve a level in which the double broad sword flows like water, steps are light and quick without being messy, fluid and well-paced without being labored.