Brownfield remediation & redevelopment
作者: AECOM inc.编著
简介: 近年来,中国城镇化发展迅猛,经济结构转型以及传统工业衰退等多种原因导致一些场地被污染。昔日的工业用地因污染严重而被逐渐废弃。这些所谓的“棕地”阻碍当地社区、社会和经济的健康发展。随着经济发展和城市化对绿地资源的持续消耗,保护有限土地资源、振兴颓败社区的重要性凸显。如何经济高效地治理和可持续开发利用工业污染场址,成为“建设美丽中国”、“推进新型城镇化”的制胜法宝。《棕地治理与再开发》归纳、分析了全球棕地治理和发展的趋势,并着重通过AECOM在国内外领导、参与的一系列案例,展示了如何将先进的一体化解决方案应用于棕地重建,获得社会、经济和环境的三赢。
In recent years, China’s rapid urbanization, economic
restructuring and the decline of traditional
industry has resulted in sites
that may be tainted. Property previously used for
industrial purposes that may now be polluted (also known as
“brownfield”) can impact the local community and society’s
development, and economic growth.
With the continuing consumption of
precious greenfield sites due to
economic growth and urbanization, it
is becoming significantly more important to protect the limited
land resources while revitalizing declining
communities. This book analyzed and summarized the latest
international trends of brownfield remediation and
development. It highlighted how advanced
integrated solutions were applied to the redevelopment of
brownfield sites to achieve social, economic and environmental
triple wins through the projects AECOM led and participated across
the world.