Llama Llama Misses Mama 羊驼拉玛想妈妈 9780670061983
作者: Anna Dewdney 著
出版社:Penguin 2009年03月
简介:Strange new teacher.Strange new toys.Lots of kids and lots of noise!What would Llama like to do?Llama Llama feels so new . . .It’s Llama Llama’s first day of preschool! And Llama Llama’s mamamakes sure he’s ready. They meet the teachers. See the otherchildren. Look at all the books and games. But then it’s time forMama to leave. And suddenly Llama Llama isn’t so excited anymore.Will Mama Llama come back?Of course she will. But before she does, the other children showLlama Llama how much fun school can be!