Insights into Chinese culture /
作者: Authors: Ye Lang, Zhu Liangzhi ; translators : Zhang Siying, Chen Haiyan ; English Consultants: M...
简介: 《中国文化读本(英文版)》分为37章,抓住中国文化中一些最有特色的内容和亮点(如四大发明、建筑、绘画、饮食、功夫、围棋),用典型的事例和材料进行具体和深入的介绍,在介绍知识的同时,力求讲出中国文化的精神,讲出中国文化的内在意味,讲出中国文化的核心价值。
Featuring the distinctive heights of Chinese culture, the authors share with you their insights into the concepts and passions of the Chinese nation over the past 5,000 years. On reading through this historical range of remarkable creativity and flair for innovation, still evident today in living artistic masterpieces and folk traditions, you soon acquire a better understanding of the cultural character, life views, aesthetic pursuits and national spirit of the Chinese people. Through every work of art or architecture, a fascinating story or legend unfolds……