Blacks Law Dictionary《布莱克法律辞典》是一部权威性的美国法学词典,不断修订,词条中包括许多拉丁文、德文、法文及其他古代法律术语,还包括许多法律警句,其中许多定义出自司法判词和案例所援引的法律文件!
作者: Bryan A. Garner 编著
出版社:West Publishing Co. 2014-5-1
简介: For more than a century, Black's Law Dictionary has been the gold standard for the language of law. Today, it s the most widely cited law book in the world. By Editor in Chief Bryan A. Garner, the world s leading legal lexicographer, the 10th Edition is the most authoritative, comprehensive law dictionary ever published. It contains more than 50,000 terms and includes: More than 7,500 terms new to this edition, including affluenza defense, bioweapon, cryptanalysis, gazump, hacker, legaldygook, intrapreneur, mommy track, one-bite rule, psephology, unperson, and zero-tolerance law 16,000 new definitions and expanded bibliographic coverage, with more than twice as many sources quoted and cited than in the 9th Edition Earliest usage dates in English-language contexts for nearly all terms (Black s is the only legal dictionary with this feature) Trusted authority every term has been reviewed for accuracy by attorneys across the country Definitions of more than 1,000 law-related abbreviations and acronyms Pronunciation guidance Thoroughly reviewed and edited Latin maxims, with 900 new maxims added