Black Hills: A Novel
作者: Dan Simmons 著
出版社:Hachette 2011年12月
简介: Paha Sapa, a young Sioux warrior, first encounters GeneralGeorge Armstrong Custer as Custer lies dying on the battlefield atLittle Bighorn. He believes--as do the holy men of his tribe--thatthe legendary general's ghost entered him at that moment and willremain with him until Sapa convinces him to leave. In BLACK HILLS, Dan Simmons weaves the stories of Paha Sapa andCuster together seamlessly, depicting a violent and tumultuous timein the history of Native Americans and the United States Army.Haunted by the voice of the general his people called "Long Hair,"Paha Sapa lives a long life, driven by a dramatic vision heexperiences in the Black Hills that are his tribe's homeland. As anexplosives worker on the massive Mount Rushmore project, he mayfinally be rid of his ghosts--on the very day FDR comes to SouthDakota to dedicate the Jefferson face.