Host response to international parasitic zoonoses /
作者: H. Ishikura (editor-in-chief) ; M. Aikawa, H. Itakura, K. Kikuchi (editors).
简介:Parasitic zoonoses, the parasitic diseases transmitted between humans and other vertebrate animals, are widespread. The increasing pace of internationalization changes in diet and easy movement from one part of the world to another has caused parasitic zoonoses to be more prevalent. Consequently, these diseases have become the focus of recent re... more 籹earch by parasitologists and pathologists whose work is presented in this book. Included in addition to the pathology of parasitic zoonoses and recent trends in research of imported parasites are the classification of phenotypes of anisakid nematodes, the immunohistopathological diagnostic method, and molecular technology to detect and diagnose parasites. Also included are papers on parasitology and international health and the pathology of cerebral malaria. With 38 color illustrations, this book is an invaluable resource for parasitologists, pathologists, and clinicians. ?less