Introduction to microbiology : a case history approach / 3rd ed.
作者: John L. Ingraham, Catherine A. Ingraham.
简介: Would you like to bring guest lectures like researchers, physicians, or fellow instructors into you microbiology course? With this third edition of INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY you get the perspective of all of those three professionals. John Ingraham, a professor of microbiology at University of California at Davis, and Catherine Ingraham, his daughter and a practicing physician, utilize their experience within a case history approach complemented by a great technology package. Each chapter in INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY now consistently begins with a case history, which John Ingraham has found very motivational to students who are new to the study of basic science. Because Catherine Ingraham studied to become a physician by interviewing patients, determining causes and implementing solutions, she knows mastry comes from high interest human stories rather than clinical presentations. Many of the case histories found in this book are taken from Catherine's experience as a physician. This combination of experiences and talent brings a case-based quality to every lecture and homework session. This unique author team also provides up-to-the-minute currency. Coverage of new microbial "events" such as biological warfare, studied by John and its effects prepared for in Catherine's office, keeps students interested. The authors also highlight reemerging diseases, such as tuberculoses and smallpox. As with previous editions, this book takes a "body systems" organization. Students are exposed to the unknown, the world of the microbes, through the known, and the different parts of their own bodies. And, because art is so important, there is again a multimedia manager with this title, but with more exciting capabilities than ever before. Instructors receive powerful PowerPoint slides for all the illustrations, tables and figures from the text, plus several animations are at your fingertips. ...