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作者: Martin Boyle,于戈著
简介: 本书的独到之处是通过介绍英国校园文化来演示英语口语技巧,使准备去英国留学的读者们能在阅读英国校园趣谈的同时提高英语口语水平。 这就是这本书的创作初衷。作者于戈和马丁·博伊尔(英国),精心选择了50个和留学生活息息相关的话题,包括“习惯与风俗”、“面试与申请”、“超市购物”、“讨论课”、“论文与演讲”、“闲聊体育”、“业余打工”、“酒吧与晚会”、“校园浪漫”等等。许多中国英语教育界羞于讨论,但在英国校园里司空见惯的问题,我们也有所涉及,比如“性健康”和“校园政治”。每个话题都以一段有趣的背景常识为开头。背景常识里的语言点、情景对话和短语词汇表都为中英双语,以便读者体会完整的语言环境。
50 UK campus conversation topics
光盘作者: Martin Boyle,于戈著
简介:赴英留学不可不读! 有趣、有用、有料的留学真经! 看看吧,少走弯路! 你知道英国人见面时什么时候握手、什么时候拥抱吗? 你相信自己能应付英国大学课堂里唇枪舌剑的辩论吗? 你了解英国大学生看什么电影、听什么歌、玩什么电脑游戏吗? 你面前的这本书不是一本单调的英语口语教科书,也不是一本旅游手册似的留学指南。它的独到之处是让读者深入领会英国校园文化,在风趣幽默的校园趣谈中提高口语水平。 作者Martin和于戈精心选择了50个和留学生活息息相关的话题,包括“习惯与风俗”、“面试与申请”、“超市购物”、“讨论课”、“论文与演讲”、“闲聊体育”、“业余打工”、“酒吧与晚会”、“校园浪漫”等等。许多中国英语教育界羞于讨论,但在英国校园司空见惯的问题也有所涉及,比如“性健康”和“校园政治”。 每个话题都以一段有趣的背景常识开头,你将了解中英文化和语言习惯在这个话题上的区别与共同点,以及最可能涉及的词汇和表达方式。第二部分是情景对话,从英国校园的各个角落采集而来,原汁原味、风趣实用。每个话题后都附有一个句型表和一个词汇表,让读者系统地掌握语言点。 50个话题采自英国校园的各个角落,与留学生活息息相关。你将充分领略原汁原味的英式幽默、风趣实用的口语表达和令人捧腹的校园趣谈。作者Martin先后在伦敦大学和肯特大学从事留学生教育,是雅思考官。作者于戈毕业于伦敦大学和威尔士大学,曾任英国国家学生会国际学生官。他们共同创作的这部作品将帮助你迅速越过文化障碍和心理障碍,充分享受多彩的英国校园生活。 英文介绍: Introduction Do you know under what circumstances friends in the UK shake hands or hug? Do you believe that you can cope with heated debates in the seminar rooms of British universities? Do you know what films British students watch, what songs they listen to and what video games they play? The book you are about to read is not a boring textbook for spoken English, nor is it a travel guide for overseas study in the UK. The unique feature of this book is the demonstration of conversational English techniques through dialogues based on British campus culture. It enables readers who intend to study in the UK to improve their spoken English as they read through amusing situations which take place on British campuses. Language is a tool of communication which can only be improved through practice. We are all aware of the importance of “speaking” in the learning of English, but spoken English is also a weak point for most Chinese students. The speaking exercises provided by school textbooks are often out of touch with young people’s lives. Using materials that are irrelevant to our own lives to practice English is not “using language” at all. In order to use the language, the speaker must have the urge to communicate and express himself. The content of what you say must also make you feel that speaking English is fun and cool. This is what originally inspired us to write this book. The authors, Ge Yu and Martin Boyle, have carefully picked 50 topics that are closely related to the lives of overseas students in the UK, such as “Habits and Customs”, “Interviews and Applications”, “Shopping in the Supermarket”, “Seminars”, “Essays and Presentations”, “Sports Talk”, “Part-time Jobs”, “Pubs and Parties” and “Campus Romance”. We have also included some topics that are taboo in English education in China, but very commonly discussed in British universities – topics such as “Sexual Health” and “Student Union Politics”. Every topic begins with an interesting “Background Knowledge”. In the “Background Knowledge”, you will learn about the cultural and linguistic similarities and differences between China and Britain on this topic. The second part of the topic is “Dialogue”. These dialogues are collected from various corners of British campuses and are guaranteed to be idiomatic, stylish and practical. Every topic ends with a list of “Phrases” and a “Glossary”, so that the readers can absorb the language points more formally and systematically. The language points in the background knowledge, the entire dialogues, phrases and glossaries are all Chinese-English, so that the readers can fully grasp the language environment. 随书附赠MP3录音光盘。