Fundamental Analysis For Dummies 9780470506455
作者: Matt Krantz 著
出版社:Wiley 2009年11月
简介:How to determine the true strength and stability of anybusiness What's the key to multibillionaire Warren Buffett'sfive-decade run as the most successful investor in history?Fundamental analysis. Now, "Fundamental Analysis For Dummies" putsthis tried and true method for gauging any company's trueunderlying value into sensible and handy step-by-stepinstructions.. In this easy-to-understand, practical, and savvyguide you'll discover why this powerful tool is particularlyimportant to investors in times of economic downturn and how ithelps you assess a business's overall financial performance byusing historical and present data to forecast its future monetaryvalue. You'll also learn how to use fundamental analysis to spotbargains in the market, minimize your risk, and improve youroverall investment skills. Shows how to predict the future value ofa business based on its current and historical financial data Helpsyou guage a company's performance against its competitors Coversevaluation of internal management Reveals how to determine if in acompany's credit standing is any jeopardy Applies fundamentalanalysis to other investment vehicles, including currency, bonds,and commodities Matt Krantz is a writer and reporter for USA TODAYand USATODAY.COM where he covers investments and financial marketsRead "Fundamental Analysis For Dummies" and find the bargains thatcould make you the next Warren Buffett