On Becoming a Person
作者: Peter D. Kramer 著
出版社:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2011年11月
简介:The late Carl Rogers, founder of the humanistic psychologymovement, revolutionized psychotherapy with his concept of"client-centered therapy." His influence has spanned decades, butthat influence has become so much a part of mainstream psychologythat the ingenious nature of his work has almost been forgotten. Anew introduction by Peter Kramer sheds light on the significance ofDr. Rogers's work today. New discoveries in the field ofpsychopharmacology, especially that of the antidepressant Prozac,have spawned a quick-fix drug revolution that has obscured thepsychotherapeutic relationship. As the pendulum slowly swings backtoward an appreciation of the therapeutic encounter, Dr. Rogers's"client-centered therapy" becomes particularly timely andimportant.