Cracking the GMAT, 2011 9780375429767
作者: Princeton Review 著
出版社:Princeton University Press 2010年06月
简介:If it’s on the GMAT, it’s in this book. Cracking the GMAT with DVD, 2011 Edition, includes: • Exclusive access to 4 full-length practice tests online • More than 250 practice questions with detailed explanations • Engaging video tutorials and admissions advice from our top instructors • Extensive coverage of math, verbal, and the analytical writing assessment • Practical information on the what, when, where, and how of the GMAT • Additional sample problems and drills on the companion website • Thorough review of data sufficiency, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, sentence correction, reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and more • Planning and organization tips to get you all the way to test day!