Bali & Lombok 13
作者: Ryan ver Berkmoes 等著
出版社:Thames&Hudson 2011-2-1
简介: Shake off the nine to five and get where the living iseasy. Easy like sunny surf beaches, zipping around on motorbikes,Mandi Lulur massages and drinking in the sleek bars of Seminyak.Can't you just feel the water at your toes? Not just cheap andconvenient, these two islands offer so much more. Grab thisinformative guide for a tour around Bali & Lombok, with theirfiery cuisine, lush jungle and brilliant beaches. Yes, everyone'sbeen to Bali, now find out why. This guidebook has been fully updated! * Includes a "What's new" section for return visitors and hasexpanded coverage of the Gili Islands and other emerging hotspots. * Intuitive layout and new text styles make it easier to read,scan and find information at a glance * New visual design and structure improves navigation withoutsacrificing depth or quality * Expanded planning section helps travellers plan by time,season, interest or region * New map design improves map legibilty for easy navigation