Mutagenicity testing A practical approach
作者: S. Venitt, J. M. Parry
简介:Background to mutagenicity testing / S. Venitt and J.M. Parry -- The analysis of alkylated DNA by high pressure liquid chromatography / W. Warren -- Bacterial mutation assays using reverse mutation / S. Venitt, C. Crofton-Sleigh, and R. Forster -- DNA repair tests in cultured mammalian cells / R. Waters -- The assay of genotoxicity of chemicals using the budding yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae / E.M. Parry and J.M. Parry -- Mutation tests with the fruit fly Drosphila Melanogaster / I. de G. Mitchell and R.D. Combes -- Assays for the detection of chemically-induced chromosome damage in cultured mammalian cells / B.J. Dean and N. Danford -- The detection of gene mutations in cultured mammalian cells / J. Cole and C.F. Arlett -- Cytogenetic tests in mammals / I. -D. Adler -- The dominant lethal test in rodents / D. Anderson.