共找到 55 项 “[台湾]行政院劳工委员会劳工安全卫生研究所,[2012](中华民国101年)” 相关结果
Study on occupational disaster prevention measures in petrochemical industry
作者: 谢贤书,陈振和,张承明著
Evaluation of the musculoskeletal fatigue and disorders for keyboard operation of VDT workers
作者: 潘仪聪,田方治著
Fall simulation and experimental platform design
作者: 陈志勇,陈协庆著
Study on the efficiency analysis and application of dust collectors used in furnishing wood working sites
作者: 李联雄,庄坤远著
Applications of the newly developed nanoparticles exposure assessment techniques to workplaces in nanoindustriese
作者: 陈春万,蔡朋枝著
Integrated study for the evaluation of occupational hazard by electronic communication devices
作者: 李联雄,黄福全著
Development of biological monitoring index for vinyl chloride exposure workers
作者: 汪禧年,李俊璋著
Study of loss control technology on hazadous chemical processes
作者: 张承明,谢明宏著
Study on association for factors of work exposure with the biomarker of lung cancer risk of construction workers
作者: 杨启贤,郑雅文著
Establishment of anthropometry database of external auditory canal and screening model for earplug
作者: 林桂仪,余仁方著
Field evaluation on surveillance for airborne infectious pollutants
作者: 张静文,洪粕宸,罗仕麟著
Study on cytotoxicity screening methods for evaluating nanoparticles in air.1
作者: 陈春万,王应然著
Study on filtration efficiency of breathing system filters for mechanical ventilator.1
作者: 陈春万,万国华著
Study onthe performance of respirators.2
作者: 陈春万,林文印著
Study of hazard assessment and improvement in oyster shuckers in Taiwan
作者: 陈志勇,许德仁著
Exposure assessment of tire manufacturing workers exposed to n-hexane
作者: 汪禧年,吴焜裕著
Sterilization evaluation of improved bioaerosol control technique
作者: 杨心豪,洪粕宸,罗仕麟著
Performance evaluation and application of personal bioaerosol samples
作者: 赵馨,洪粕宸,罗仕麟著
Empirical research on OSH education promotin for foreign workers in Taiwan
作者: 郑淑芳,廖宏昌著
Health risk and health promotion of shit workers in petrochemical industry
作者: 陈俊瑜,巫宇舜著