作者: 仇保兴
出版社:中国建筑工业出版社 2011年10月
简介: China's urbanization process is facing anumber of major issues. To follow the "scientific concept ofdevelopment" requirements, this book learns and summarizes thehistorical experience and lessons at home and abroad, and through acomprehensive analysis of multi-disciplinary research, explores theurban planning system reform. This book focuses on building a government atall levels of urbanization and urban development planning controlmechanism, a balanced regional development mechanisms, planning andadministrative constraints and social supervision mechanisms. Bymeans of narrative analysis, selforganization theory and newinstitutional Economics theories and methods, the author studiesthe content of urban planning system, laws. and direction of reformand innovation, and draws some useful new discussion andrecommendations. Through al the changes in urban planning, the bookaims to promote scientific and healthy development of China'surbanization.