共找到 11 项 “久周出版文化事业有限公司,2008” 相关结果
Friend like henry:the remarkable true story of an autistic boy and the dog that unlocked his world
作者: 拿雅拉·嘉德纳(Nuala Gardner)著;何佳芬译
Farewell, my Subaru:an epic adventure in local living
作者: 道格·范恩(Doug Fine)著;吴美真译
作者: 王瀞仪,林攸余著;Gaga图
Ten things every child with autism wishes you knew
作者: 爱伦·诺波姆(Ellen Notbohm)著;郑淑芬译
Yoga for children with autism spectrum disorders:a step-by-step guides for parents and caregivers
作者: 狄翁·贝慈(Dion E. Betts),史黛西·贝慈(Stacey W. Betts)著;严丽娟译
Mother styles:using personality type to discover your parenting strengths
作者: 珍娜·潘莉(Janet P. Penley),黛安·艾波(Diane Eble)著;胡玉立译
Long way gone:memoirs of a boy soldier
作者: 伊实美·毕亚(Ishmael Beah)著;丹鼎译
Heart speaks:a cardiologist reveals the secret language of healing
作者: 咪咪·古芮里(Mimi Guarneri)著;黄嫈珺译
When walls become doorways:creativity and the transforming illness
作者: 托碧·昭斯纳(Tobi Zausner)著;丹鼎译
Teaching at home:a new approach to tutoring children with antism an asperger syndrome
作者: 奥尔嘉·贺蓝(Olga Holland)著;何佳芬译
Where did I leave my glasses?:the what, when, and why of normal memory loss
作者: 玛莎·魏曼·里尔(Martha Weinman Lear)著;萧秀姗,黎敏中译