中国商务文化 商务活动
作者: 《中国商务文化》编写组 编
出版社:北京语言大学出版社 2014-1-1
简介:《商务活动》是“中国商务文化”系列中的一册,各包括一本书和一张DVD。图书为中英对照,DVD中主要使用英语。 本产品分“接待中国来访者”“家中接待来访者”“办公室的东道主”“办公室的访问者”“送礼与受礼”“出差”“宴请”“饮酒”等八个话题。除了对每个话题涉及到的中国文化的图文阐述之外,还提供了真实案例分析和行动指南,DVD中更提供了大量的在华高管的心得感受,方便读者了解中国商务文化、了解在中国从事商务活动需注意的事项。 It introduces Chinese business culture to foreign businessmen to help them gain a better understanding of Chinese business culture. It assists foreign businessmen in overcoming the problems in cross-cultural communication from a comparative perspective. It provides some basic Chinese expressions that foreign businessmen need in business activities in China as well as some useful case studies and advice. It presents introductions in English by a presenter, interviews with senior officials of foreign enterprises in China, and some related business scenes.