共找到 9 项 “台湾爱思唯尔有限公司,2013” 相关结果
Prehospital trauma life support
作者: Committee of the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians in cooperation,the Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons著;谷大为[等]编译
Essentials of kinesiology for the physical therapist assistant
作者: Paul Jackson Mansfield,Donald A. Neumann著;郭怡良,李映琪编译
Practical evidence-based physiotherapy
作者: Rob Herbert[等]原著;郭怡良,李映琪编译
Yoga as therapeutic exercise:a practical guide for manual therapists
作者: Luise Wörle,Erik Pfeiff著;王子娟,江秀玲译
Canine and feline nephrology and urology
作者: Dennis J. Chew,Stephen P. Dibartola,Patricia A. Schenck著;赖昱璋,陈珊蒂译
Practitioner as teacher
作者: TD Barton,Sue Howard,Sally Thomson原著;萧斐璠译
Guideline of clinical competence assessment
作者: 史青平[等]著
Anatomie en orthophonie:parole, déglutition et audition
作者: David H. McFarland原著;蔡怡汝, 陈淑华编译
Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base physiology:a problem-based approach
作者: Mitchell L. Halperin,Kamel S. Kamel,Marc B. Goldstein著;蔡任弼[等]编译