作者: 于幼军 著
出版社:外文出版社 2014-5-1
简介:本书采用中国传统文学章回演义的体裁,将中国的社会主义思想史、社会主义运动史、中国共产党历史和中国近现代史的有关内容熔于一炉,既有对重大历史事件客观中肯的阐述,对重要历史人物生动形象的刻画,又有作者精辟深刻的思想评述。形式新颖生动,文笔简洁流畅。本书时间跨度自1919年五四运动至1965年“文化大革命”前夕,把这段时期马克思主义在中国的传播及与中国国情相结合,逐步形成中国特色马克思主义理论的过程,以及科学社会主义思想在中国的实践与发展,以开阔的历史视野和敏锐的时代眼光作了细致的描述。尤其是对以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人,把马克思主义基本原理与中国国情和革命实践相结合,创立了包括新民主主义革命和新民主主义社会思想在内的新民主主义理论,建立中华人民共和国,在经济文化落后的半殖民地半封建的国度探索建设社会主义的理论和道路,进行系统的回顾与思考,冷静客观地总结其中的经验教训,以求镜古自悟,资政育人。This book integrates the history of China’s socialist ideology and socialist movement with the history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and that of modern China. It attempts to touch the reader with an objective narration of major historical events, a vivid depiction of great personalities, and the concise and insightful comments of the author, Dr. Yu Youjun.This book covers the period spanning from the May 4th Movement of 1919 to the eve of the Cultural Revolution in 1965. Providing broad historical perspective and sharp insights, it describes this period in details, from the introduction of Marxism to China, to the CPC integrating the theory with China’s prevailing conditions and enriching it with Chinese characteristics, to the evolution and practice of scientific socialism in China.The Chinese Communists, represented by Mao Zedong, integrated the fundamental tenets of Marxism with China’s prevailing conditions and revolutionary practices to create their own New Democracy Theory that included both new democratic revolution and new democratic society and to establish the People’s Republic of China. The author’s systematic review and thinking of their explorations of a theory and path to build socialism in a country that was semi-colonial and semi-feudal, burdened with a backward economy and culture, and his objective summary of the lessons and experiences from their explorations, all act as a mirror for today’s governance and education.