共找到 47 项 “工业技术研究院产业经济与资讯服务中心,[2005](中华民国九十四年)” 相关结果
2005 semiconductor industry yearbook
作者: 陈梧桐[等]主编;覃禹华等著
Mechanical industry yearbook.2005
作者: 陈家乐主编;陈家乐等著
Creating value through innovation:exploring the development of Taiwan mobile content industry
作者: 苏怡如著
Global analog IC market outlook and opportunities
作者: 李冠桦著
Analysis on the national competitive advantages of value chain system of Taiwan mechanical industry
作者: 陈家乐著
Green vehicle technologies and product trends
作者: 戴玉珍,萧瑞圣,尤如瑾著
Study the automobile cooperation and first tier in global strategy
作者: 石育贤著
Trend of new indication strategies and Taiwan opportunities
作者: 林青青著
Technical trend and business opportunity in combination product
作者: 黄博伟著
Competitve analysis of component industry among Taiwan, Kores and Japan
作者: 蓝伟庭主编
Hydrogen energy technology development and fuel cell industry opportunity for Taiwan
作者: 尤如瑾[等]著
Division trend in broadband video industry and opportunity analysis:based on IP STB industry
作者: 朱澔伟,严兰欣著
Study on the recent trend in development of antistatic
作者: conductive materials and sales opportunities of these materials
Effects of the rising China auto industry cluster on Taiwan auto industry
作者: 洪士杰著
Materials opportunity in improving FPD optical efficiency
作者: 叶仰哲,蔡金津著
Opportunities and challenges of Taiwan digital television industry base on industry value chain analysis
作者: 黄晓玲著
By analyzing the position of 4C leading compahies:to redize the developing opportunity and challenge of Taiwan home networking companies
作者: 朱澔伟[等]著
Strategies of BWA equipment and service markets
作者: 陈豫德著
Electronic materials industry yearbook.2005
作者: 郑文佳,叶仰哲主编;郑文佳等著
Electronic components industry yearbook.2005
作者: 陈玲蓉主编