作者: 谢文纬
出版社:新世界出版社 2014年09月
This book was written by Dr. Xie Wenwei, a Chinese physician with 30 years of clinical experience. Dr. Xie was motivated to seek new ways to cure cancer by using Chinese medical therapy when his only son died from cancer several years ago. He has achieved considerable success in this field.
Dr. Xie lists in this book 100 successful cases. Along with each case, Dr. Xie makes a penetrating analysis and provides comments on the administered herbs and formulae. Simultaneously, he illustrates the mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine in curing cancer, a concept which may still seem to be mysterious to many Westerners.
This book provides 160 effective anticancer pre*ions and various commonly used traditional Chinese medicine techniques for fighting cancer, plus nutrients and food-therapy recipes for cancer resistance and cancer prevention. It also serves as an indispensable reference for people who are engaged in research on cancer treatments, those who are suffering from cancer and those close to the victims.