Word Smart II 聪明词汇2 9780375765766
作者: Princeton Review 著
出版社:江西人民出版社 2006年08月
简介:Did you know that… ?The word "noisome" has nothing whatsoever to do withnoise? ?"Ordinance" and "ordnance" have two distinct meanings? ?An "errant" fool is a fool who is lost, while an "arrant"fool is one whose foolishness is obvious? If any of these facts caught you by surprise, then you needWord Smart II. More than one million people improved theirvocabulary with the original Word Smart, but an educatedand powerful vocabulary doesn’t stop growing with one book! All ofthe 1,455 words featured in Word Smart II belong in animpressive vocabulary. Learning and using these words effectivelycan help you get better grades, score higher on tests, andcommunicate more confidently at work.