Cracking the AP World History Exam, 2011 Edition 攻破AP世界历史考试 9780375429958
作者: Princeton Review 著
出版社:江西人民出版社 2010年08月
简介: Scoring high on the AP World History Exam is very differentfrom earning straight A's in school. The Princeton Review doesn’ttry to teach you everything there is to know about Worldhistory–only the strategies and information you’ll need to get yourhighest score. In Cracking the AP World History Exam, 2011 Edition,we’ll teach you how to -Use our preparation strategies and test-taking techniques toraise your score -Focus on the topics most likely to appear on the test -Test your knowledge with review questions for each topiccovered This book includes 2 full-length practice AP World History tests.All of our practice questions are just like those you’ll see on theactual exam, and we explain how to answer every question.