共找到 23 项 “联合国粮农组织,1979” 相关结果
Agrometeorological crop monitoring and forecasting
作者: 弗里尔 (frere, m.), 波波夫 (popov, g.f.)著
Rice testing methods and equipment
作者: 加里波迪著
Groundwater pollution:technology,economica and management
作者: 西班牙地质矿业学院编
作者: 联合国粮农组织编
Guidelines for integrated control of maize pests
作者: 戴尔.G.博特雷尔著
Guidelines for integrated control of rice insect pests
作者: 联合国粮农组织著
Yield response to water
作者: 杜林博斯,卡萨姆著
Soil survey investigations for irrigation
作者: 联合国粮农组织土地及水利开发处土壤资源、管理及保护科编
The state of food and agriculture.1978
作者: 联合国粮农组织编著
Names of fishes,including shellfish and marine animals
watershed development with special reference to soil and water conservation
作者: 吉尔著
Soybean production in the tropics
作者: (英) 欣森(Hinson,K.),(英) 哈特维希(hartwig,e.e.)著
The report of the 75th session of the council of FAO
The report of the 76th session of the council of FAO
The report of the 77th session of the council of FAO
FAO fishery statistics yearbook
FAO trade yearbook
作者: 粮农组织经济及社会政策司统计处编
FAO production yearbook
Report of the Conference of FAO