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作者: 封长虎 编著
Essential Modern Classics - The Hobbit 哈比人历险记 9780006754022
作者: J.R.R. Tolkien 著
出版社: 1998-11-1
简介:The classic story of Bilbo Baggins and his adventures through Rivendell, Mirkwood, and Erebor; released in a new paperback format. Easily one of the most famous children's books of modern times, "The Hobbit" is a must read and this edition will bring it to life for a whole new generation of readers. Bilbo Baggins enjoys a quiet and contented life, with no desire to travel far from the comforts of home. Then, one day, the wizard Gandalf and a band of dwarves arrive unexpectedly and enlist his services - as a burglar - on a dangerous expedition to raid the treasure-hoard of Smaug the dragon. Bilbo's life is never to be the same again. "The Hobbit" became an instant success when it was first published in 1937, and nearly 70 years later, Tolkien's epic tale of elves, dwarves, trolls, goblins, myth, magic and adventure, with its reluctant hero Bilbo Baggins, has become a timeless classic. This new children's edition of "The Hobbit", with a refreshed cover, will bring this classic story to a whole new generation of readers.
Swiss Family Robinson 来自瑞士的罗宾逊一家 ISBN9781853261114
出版社:Wordsworth Editions Ltd 1998-11-1
简介:"For many days we had been tempest-tossed . . .the raging storm increased in fury on the seventh day all hope was lost." From these dire opening lines, a delightful story of adventure begins. One family will emerge alive from this terrible storm: the Robinson's -- a Swiss pastor, his wife, and four sons, plus two dogs and a shipload of livestock, hens, pigeons and geese! Inspired by Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Cruesoe," this heartwarming tale portrays a family's struggle to create a new life for themselves on a strange and fantastic tropical island. There each boy must learn to control his own nature -- such as Ernest's bookishness and Fritz's hot temper -- as their adventures lead to amazing discoveries, danger, and tantalizing surprises, including a puzzling message tied to an albatross's leg. But it is the authenticity of the boys' behavior, the ingenuity of the family, and the natural wonders of this exotic land that have made The Swiss Family Robinson, first published in 1812-1813, one of the world's best-loved and most enduring stories of shipwreck and survival. --This text refers to the Paperback edition. "For many days we had been tempest-tossed . . .the raging storm increased in fury on the seventh day all hope was lost." From these dire opening lines, a delightful story of adventure begins. One family will emerge alive from this terrible storm: the Robinson's -- a Swiss pastor, his wife, and four sons, plus two dogs and a shipload of livestock, hens, pigeons and geese! Inspired by Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Cruesoe," this heartwarming tale portrays a family's struggle to create a new life for themselves on a strange and fantastic tropical island. There each boy must learn to control his own nature -- such as Ernest's bookishness and Fritz's hot temper -- as their adventures lead to amazing discoveries, danger, and tantalizing surprises, including a puzzling message tied to an albatross's leg. But it is the authenticity of the boys' behavior, the ingenuity of the family, and the natural wonders of this exotic land that have made The Swiss Family Robinson, first published in 1812-1813, one of the world's best-loved and most enduring stories of shipwreck and survival. --This text refers to the Paperback edition. 作者简介: Johann David Wyss (1743-1818) was a clergyman in Berne, Switzerland. A former military chaplain, Wyss spoke four languages, loved nature, and was deeply involved in the raising of his four boys, reading to them and taking them on hikes and hunting trips. To teach them moral lessons and entertain them, he read them a story he had written about a family just like theirs (each boy in the story is based on one of Wyss’s four sons), who had been shipwrecked on a tropical island. This handwritten manuscript was more than eight hundred pages long and one of his sons, Johann Emmanuel, helped him illustrate it. Years later another son, Johann Rudolf, by then a professor at the Berne Academy, found his fathers manuscript, edited it, and published it in 1812-1813 as The Swiss Family Robinson. The first English translation appeared in 1814, and there have since been nearly two hundred versions of this novel, as well as two films and a television movie.
傅立叶分析和应用Fourier analysis and applications : filtering, numerical computation, wavelets
作者: Claude Gasquet,Robert D. Ryan 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House 1998-11-1
简介:This applied mathematic text focuses on Fourier analysis, filters and signal analysis. Scientists and engineers are confronted by the necessity of using classical mathematics such as Fourier transforms, convolution, distribution and more recently wavelet analysis in all areas of modelling. The object of this book is two-fold - on the one hand to convey to the mathematical reader a rigorous presentation and exploration of the important applications of analysis leading to numerical calculations and on the other hand to convey to the physics reader a body of theory in which the well-known formulae find their justification. The reader will find the basic study of fundamental notions such as Lebesgue integration and theory of distribution and these permit the establishment of the following areas: Fourier analysis and convolution Filters and signal analysis time-frequency analysis (gabor transforms and wavelets) The book is aimed at engineers and scientists and contains a large number of exercises as well as selected worked out solutions. The words `Translated by Robert D Ryan' should be included in ALL promotion material regarding the book.
作者: Iris Chang 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House 1998-11-1
简介:In December 1937, the Japanese army swept into the ancient city of Nanking. Within weeks, more than 300,000 Chinese civilians were systematically raped, tortured, and murdered--a death toll exceeding that of the atomic blasts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Using extensive interviews with survivors and newly discovered documents, Iris Chang has written what will surely be the definitive history of this horrifying episode. The Rape of Nanking tells the story from three perspectives: of the Japanese soldiers who performed it, of the Chinese civilians who endured it, and of a group of Europeans and Americans who refused to abandon the city and were able to create a safety zone that saved almost 300,000 Chinese. Among these was the Nazi John Rabe, an unlikely hero whom Chang calls the "Oskar Schindler of China" and who worked tirelessly to protect the innocent and publicize the horror. More than just narrating the details of an orgy of violence, The Rape of Nanking analyzes the militaristic culture that fostered in the Japanese soldiers a total disregard for human life. Finally, it tells the appalling story: about how the advent of the Cold War led to a concerted effort on the part of the West and even the Chinese to stifle open discussion of this atrocity. Indeed, Chang characterizes this conspiracy of silence, that persists to this day, as "a second rape." 作者简介 "Meticulously researched...A gripping account that holds the reader's attention from bdginning to end."-Nien cheng, author of Life and Deathe in Shanghai; "Anyone interested in the relation between war, self-righteousness, and the human spirit will find The Rape of Nanking of fumdamental importance. It is scholarly, an excition investigation, and a work of passion. In places it is almost unbearable to read, but it should be read-only if the past is understood can the future be navigated."
作者: 马子振 编著
简介:当前的时代,是科学技术飞速发展、新科技革命蓬勃兴起的时代 。作为未来社会的建设者和主人,应该为着社会的进步和人类的幸福,把自己培养成掌握丰富科学文化知识的创造型人才。 “才以学为本”,“学而为智者,不学而为愚者”。要用人类创造的优秀科学文化成果把自己武装起来。科学史知识是这种创造人才优化的知识结构中不可或缺的一个组分。任何科学知识的发现和技术成果的发明,都有一个酝酿、产生和发展的过程,这其中不但渗透着科学家们追求真理、献身科学、顽强拼搏、百折不挠、尊重事实、严谨治学的科学精神,而且包含着他们勇于探索、敢于创新、善于创造性地运用类比、模型、猜测、推理和想像等找到突破口的正确思路和科学方法。科学史就是通过这些生动具体、有血有肉的科学探索的史实,告诉人们科学是如何产生、如何发展的,那些名垂青史的科学大师们是如何成长、如何成功的;使读者从中受到感人至深、催人奋进的科学精神的激励,并从科学家们的成功与失败、经验与教训中学习科学方法,培养科学思维,领悟到一点科学创造的“天机”,获得超出课堂知识学习的有益启示。英国哲学家F.培根说:“学史使人明智。”我国近代思想家梁启超也说,学史可以“益人神智”。 在人类五千年的科技发展中,科学的发展和技术的发明比比皆是、不胜枚举,科学史的园地里真是五彩缤纷、气象万千,我们不可能对这个历史过程作全景式的描述。这套丛书就像一个科学史“导游图”,只是从各个历史时期的科技发展中,选择一些有代表性的典型事件,作为一个个“景点”,引导读者沿着历史的足迹,领略一下用人类智慧构筑成的科学大厦奇伟瑰丽的景观。
作者: 张宾辉,陈眉 著