A Discovery of Witched
作者: Deborah Harkness 著
出版社:Penguin 2011年4月
简介: Deep in the heart of Oxford's Bodleian I.ibrary,scholar Diana Bishop requests a manuscript called Ashmole 782 inthe course of her research. Coming from an old and distinguishedlineage of witches, Diana senses that the'ancient book might behound up with magic--hut she herself wants nothing to do withsorcery; and after making a few notes on its curious images, shebanishes it quickly back to the stacks. But what she doesn't knowis that the old alchemical text has been lost for centuries, andits sudden appearance has set a fantastical underworld stirring.Soon, a distracting horde of daemons, witches, and vampiresdescends upon the Bodleian's reading rooms. One of these creaturesis Matthew Clairmont, an enigmatic and eminent geneticist,practitioner of yoga, and wine connoisseur--and also a wimpire witha keen interest in Ashmole 782. Equal parts history and magic, romance andsuspense, A Discover), of Witches is a novel of epic scope,traveling from the cobbled streets of Oxford to the ch~teaus andmountains of the Auvergne to a small town in upstate New York. Italso takes us into a rich fifteen-hundred-year history that spansClovis and the Crusades, the Knights Templar, and the AmericanRevolution. As Matthew and Diana's alliancE deepens into intimacy,Diana must come to terms with age-old taboos and her ownfamily's conflicted historv--and she must learn where the modernwoman she is meets the source of ancient power that is her legacWith a scholar's depth and the touch of a great storyteller,Deborah Harkness has woven a tale of passion and obses- sion; thecollision of magic, alchemy, and science; and the closely guardedsecrets of an enchanted world.