TIME For Kids Big Book of Science Experiments: A step-by-step guide [Hardcover] 《时代周刊》儿童读物:教你做实验ISBN 9781603208932
作者: Editors of Time for Kids Magazine 编
出版社:Hachette 2011年12月
简介: TIME For Kids' successful Super Science Book just got biggerand better-with the all-new Big Book of Science Experiments. Thisfull-color and expanded hardcover book presents 100 fresh andfascinating experiments for kids 8 to 12 to wrap their heads (andhands) around. The inquiry-based experiments cover aspects of physical, life andearth science, and dovetail with the school sciencecurriculum. The intriguing experiments were created by the experts at MadScience, the world's leading science enrichment provider. Probingquestions to be explored include: How does oil affect plants? Which traits do you share with your family? Can a battery turn a nail into a magnet? Clear and colorful step-by-step directions accompany eachexperiment so children can easily follow the procedure. Additionalbackground information and fun facts for each experiment lets kidsknow how it affects them and their world, explains the sciencebehind what they've just done, and gives concrete extensions andways to learn more about each subject. A Science Fair chapter gives readers winning ways to presentmaterial to the public, including how to create visuals to displayresults, how to use and control variables, and how to tackle thescientific process.