Goodnight Moon 123 Board Book 晚安月亮船 ISBN9780061125973
作者: Margaret
出版社:HarperCollins 1995年01月
简介:同一作者其他精彩推荐--GoodnightMoon [Cloth Book]晚安月亮船(布书)GoodnightMoon 123 Board Book 晚安月亮船(学数数卡板书)GoodnightMoon ABC [Board Book]晚安月亮船(学词汇卡板书)GoodnightMoon Board [Gift Book & Toy]晚安月亮船(礼品玩具套装,卡板书+毛绒兔)MyWorld 我的世界MyWorld [Board Book]我的世界(卡板书) Spreads showing Goodnight Moon's great green room introduceand conclude this counting book. Images from the original workallow readers to count "One quiet old lady whispering hush," "Twolittle kittens," "Three little bears sitting on chairs" and soforth, up to "Ten toy houses," and then jump to "One hundredstars." Hurd's original artwork is reused, rearranged, and, in somecases, multiplied, such as the five black telephones floatingagainst a white background. Unfortunately, the gentle poetic liltthat touched so many hearts does not appear in this work. Thoughyoung children often enjoy and embrace the familiar, this spin-offrelies wholly on Hurd's iconic artwork but offers no homage to theoriginal spirit of the book. Molly Bang's Ten, Nine, Eight(HarperCollins, 1983) and Karen Katz's Counting Kisses (S & S,2001) are just two of the countless counting books that workbetter.