My Parents Think I'm Sleeping我爸妈以为我睡着了ISBN9780060537227
作者: Jack
出版社:HarperCollins 2008年01月
From acclaimed poet Jack Prelutzky comes a hilariouscollection of poems about a boy who should be sleeping, but managesto find more than just storybooks and his model rocket kit to keephim awake. When you’re trying to go to sleep, anything can bedistracting—creepy shadows, raindrops, and even chocolate cak
HIGH HONOR: Jack Prelutsky was recently named the nation’s firstChildren’s Poet Laureate: Consultant in Children’s Poetry to thePoetry Foundation. NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR: JackPrelutsky’s New York Times bestsellers include: IT’S RAINING PIGS& NOODLES, THE FROGS WORE RED SUSPENDERS, and SCRANIMALS.PRELUTSKY’S TRACK RECORD: Five of Prelutsky’s previous books havesold over 125,000 copies each in hardcover. FIRST-TIME INFULL-COLOR: Originally published by Greenwillow in two-color,artist Yossi Abolafia has reillustrated the book in full-color forthe I Can Read! edition. GET OUT YOUR FLASHLIGHT: This fun andatmospheric collection of nighttime poems is perfect for bedtime—orany oth