Amelia Bedelia Talks Turkey阿米利亚波德里亚说土耳其语ISBN9780060843540
作者: Parish
出版社:HarperCollins 2009年08月
America’s favorite housekeeper has quite a tendency forgetting those important little details wrong. So just imagine allthat might go awry when Amelia Bedelia is put in charge of theschool Thanksgiving pageant! She thinks “roles” are a type ofbread, the “dressing room” is where you stuff the turkey, and thata “cast party” comes after someone’s told you to “break a leg!” Butof course, things somehow always work out for Amelia Bedelia, andthis play’s no exception. One thing’s for sure: this book is sofunny, you’ll be giving th
UNSTOPPABLE SERIES SALES ? The Amelia Bedelia series has soldmore than 21 million copies to date ICR PAPERBACKS A HIT ? AmeliaBedelia: Rocket Scientist? (Winter 2007) and Amelia Bedelia: UnderConstruction (Summer 2007) have each sold more than 50,000 copiesHUGE BOOK CLUB/FAIR SALES ? Amelia Bedelia is a giant in the schoolbook club and book fair world, selling hundreds of thousands ofcopies of each title IT’S ALL IN GOOD PUN ? Beginning readers loveAmelia Bedelia’s literal mishaps, learning wordplay while masteringearly reading skil