Amos & Boris 小老鼠和大鲸鱼 ISBN 9780312535667
作者: William
出版社:Macmillan 2009年09月
Amos the mouse and Boris the whale: a devoted pair offriends with nothing at all in common, except good hearts and awillingness to help their fellow mammal. They meet after Amos setsout to sail the sea and finds himself in extreme need of rescue.And there will come a day, long after Boris has gone back to a lifeat sea and Amos has gone back to life on dry land, when the tinymouse must find a way to rescue the great whale.
“There is noquestion that Steig’s affectionately witty pictures and perfectlycomplementary narration make this a durable picture bookfriendship.”—Kirkus Reviews
“The book is funnyand earnest, pellucid and profound.”—The New York Times BookReview
* “A simple,matter-of-fact story about the friendship between a mouse and awhale. . . . Lovely watercolor pictures and a funny, well-writtentext which presents its plot coincidences in tongue-in-cheek mannerfit together admirably in this faintly Aesopian tale.”—SchoolLibrary Journal, Starred Review