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作者: Todd
Learn the easy steps to harnessing the incredible creativepower of your mind that can enable anyone to Think Like AGenius.
How you already think like a genius without even knowing it--page6
The secret formula for genius: C.R.E.A.T.E.--page 22
Ways to overcome the fear that inhibits the genius withinyou--page 58
How to transform the cynicism of I can't do it to the confidenceof I can do anything--page 66
Breaking out of mental ruts and daily routines that block yourroad to genius--page 77
How to turn the obvious into a work of art, a new insight, or amultimillion-dollar creation--page 92
Getting unstuck from the quicksand of indecision andprocrastination--page 106
The secret essence of every stroke of genius--page 165
And much more!
A rare combination of scientist and accomplished visualartist, Todd Siler invites each of us to rediscover thescientist-artist in ourselves. -- Peter M. Senge, author of 'TheFifth Discipline'
"If you want to liberate your mind and think about the world innew and exciting ways; then "Think Like A Genius" is for you. Dr.Siler has developed a bold new concept that will enrich your life."-- Frank D. Steed, former president, Samsonite USA
"One of the prime beneficiaries of 'Think Like A Genius' will beparents who deeply desire to foster innovative thinking andcreativity in their offspring, but are not exactly sure how to goabout doing that. Dr. Siler's book provides an insightful road mapfor young and old alike." -- Nancy Dick, Dick & AssociatesIncorporated, and former lieutenant governor of Colorado
"Read this book. Todd Siler has a great deal to teach all of usabout barriers to creativity and ways of overcoming them." --Stephan L. Chorover, Ph.D., professor of Brain and CognitiveSciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
"The insights in this book are invaluable. Todd is a genius and,in his book, he shares some of his 'trade secrets' with meremortals like myself." -- Dave Master, training manager, WarnerBros. Feature Animation
"These are insights of a genius into the methods of all genius.Todd Siler convinces us, with a breezy, easy-to-digest profundity,that we plain folks can apply these methods to free us to be thebest we can be. That's ingenious." -- Larry Merchant, televisioncommentator and author
"This book challenges the reader to think and perform on aninspired level. Todd Siler's simple approach to individual 'genius'is the key to every great success story." -- Michael R. Bloomberg,CEO and founder Bloomberg News
"Todd Siler gives us all the tools to be creators, not just inour lives, but of a vision worth striving for." -- Jenette Kahn,president and editor-in-chief, DC Comics/Time Warner
"Todd Siler's brilliant book helps us understand the'connection-making process and, with practical suggestions forimproving communication in our work and in our lives, apply it." --Dr. John Brademas, president emeritus, New York University
"Todd Siler's insightful book prompts us to look beyond thesurfaces of our lives and work, to discover our deeper meaning,purpose, and contribution." -- Mo Siegel, founder and chairman,Celestial Seasonings, Inc.
作者: Daniel
Book De*ion
In his phenomenal bestseller, Emotional Intelligence, DanielGoleman mapped the territory where IQ meets EQ, where we apply whatwe know to how we live. Spending over a year on the New York Timesbestseller list, Emotional Intelligence provided the evidence forwhat many successful people already knew: being smart isn't just amatter of mastering facts; it's a matter of mastering your ownemotions and understanding the emotions of the people aroundyou.Now, in Working With Emotional Intelligence, Goleman shows whyemotional intelligence has become the new yardstick for success forCEOs and junior hires alike. Drawing on both unparalleled access tobusiness leaders and in-depth research, he documents that starperformance in every field depends more on emotional intelligencethan IQ or technical skills. And the impact of emotionalintelligence is even greater at the top of the leadershippyramid.Goleman vividly shows how self-awareness, motivation,influence, conflict management, and team-building play out in someof the top corporations in the world today, and points out thedamage done when they are lacking. He also creates a strategy forthe "emotionally intelligent organization" that will shape trainingand development programs for years to come.With examples fromreal-life businesses, including successes and failures, thisprogram is a blueprint for all who want to thrive with integrityand satisfaction in the new global economy.
Working With Emotional Intelligence takes the concepts fromDaniel Goleman's bestseller, Emotional Intelligence, into theworkplace. Business leaders and outstanding performers are notdefined by their IQs or even their job skills, but by their"emotional intelligence": a set of competencies that distinguisheshow people manage feelings, interact, and communicate. Analysesdone by dozens of experts in 500 corporations, government agencies,and nonprofit organizations worldwide conclude that emotionalintelligence is the barometer of excellence on virtually any job.This book explains what emotional intelligence is and why it countsmore than IQ or expertise for excelling on the job. It details 12personal competencies based on self-mastery (such as accurateself-assessment, self-control, initiative, and optimism) and 13 keyrelationship skills (such as service orientation, developingothers, conflict management, and building bonds). Goleman includesmany examples and anecdotes--from Fortune 500 companies to anonprofit preschool--that show how these competencies lead to orthwart success.
Unlike IQ, emotional intelligence can keep growing--it continuesto develop with life experiences. Understanding and raising youremotional intelligence is essential to your success and leadershippotential. This book is an excellent resource for learning how toaccomplish this.
--Joan Price
Amazon.com Audiobook Review
This abridged audio version, sharply narrated by the author,focuses on Goleman's theories of emotional intelligence in theworkplace, a standard that measures how well people managefeelings, interact, and communicate. In educational but accessibletones, Dr. Goleman explains the need for emotional intelligence inemployees, the issues that arise when such skills are lacking, andpractical guidance on how to achieve these skills. Goleman's use ofreal-life examples highlights the important lessons learned frombusiness-world successes and failures. The humorous anecdotes alsokeep the listener entertained while he presents somewhat esotericbut insightful and interesting ideas, which ultimately increase thepotential to succeed and lead others. (Running time: three hours,two cassettes)
--Cate Bick
From Publishers Weekly
Applying the lessons of his bestselling study EmotionalIntelligence, Goleman has found that business success stemsprimarily from a workforce displaying initiative and empathy,adaptability and persuasiveness?i.e., key aspects of what hedefines as emotional intelligence. He presents studies that showthat IQ accounts for only between 4% and 25% of an individual's jobsuccess, whereas emotional competence (self-awareness,self-regulation and motivation) is twice as important as purelycognitive abilities in the workplace. These findings alone shouldshake up human resource departments that hire based on how goodsomeone looks on paper. In sections like "Self-Mastery," "PeopleSkills" and "Social Radar," Goleman uses anecdotes from thecorporate trenches (and from his lecture tours) to isolatequalities, such as "trustworthiness" that are central to displaysof emotional intelligence. These qualities, in turn, are brokendown into sets of practices?"Act ethically and... above reproach";"respect and relate well to people from other backgrounds"?that canbe internalized for improved emotional intelligence quotients byindividuals looking to get ahead, or managers seeking to revitalizethe staff. These repetitive-sounding checklists can at times givethe book the flavor of an overworked seminar presentation. Still,embedded within the linear format that emerges are many trulyilluminating facts?that the real cost of employee turnover to acompany is the equivalent of one full year of employee pay, forexample?that show how critically important Goleman's thesis is totoday's workplace.
From Booklist
Goleman made a big splash in 1995 with his best-selling,much-discussed Emotional Intelligence. He contended that successand ability could not be determined solely by intelligence (howeverintelligence might be defined or measured). Emotional traits suchas self-awareness, motivation, and self-control and social skillssuch as teamwork, leadership, and communication matter, too. Hisarguments were bolstered by research in neurology and thebehavioral sciences. Furthermore, Goleman argued that emotionalintelligence could be taught, and he targeted his message toeducators and the educational system. This message, though, alsodrew a huge response from the world of business, and here Golemannow adapts his ideas to the workplace. Citing managerial studies,he asserts that emotional intelligence is twice as important aseither IQ or technical expertise in predicting business success.Goleman shows how self-mastery and people skills determine workperformance and suggests implications for job training. Although hedoes include scientific documentation whenever possible, Golemanhimself refers to these as "soft skills," and the question remainsabout how accurately they can be measured--especially if they areto be used to make employment decisions such as hiring,termination, promotions, and salary levels.
David Rouse
From Library Journal
Having explained in Emotional Intelligence that EQ matters asmuch as IQ in the workplace, Goleman now explains how EQ can belearned.
From AudioFile
This book is the author's follow-up to his ground-breakingEmotional Intelligence. Here he focuses on using emotionalintelligence at work; he explains why people who focus on skillsand information are at a disadvantage compared to workers who havemastered their own emotions and understand the emotions of theirco-workers. Aaron Meza's rich, deep, informative voice lends weightto Goleman's arguments, and his impeccable diction and pacingenable us to follow the author's lucid prose. Meza varies tone andpitch enough to keep us interested. Only an annoying propensity topronounce words that begin with an "i" as long "e" ("eemediate,"for example) mars Meza's performance. R.I.G.
About Author
Daniel Goleman, Ph.D. is CEO of Emotional Intelligence Servicesin Sudbury, Massachusetts. He covered the behavioral and brainsciences for the New York Times for twelve years. He has taught atHarvard, where he received his doctorate in psychology and is aconsultant who addresses groups and businesses around the world.Emotional Intelligence, his fifth book, has been translated intotwenty-five languages and has been a number one bestsellereverywhere, from the U.S. to Brazil, Japan to England. In additionto Emotional Intelligence, his previous books include Vital Lies,Simple Truths, The Creative Spirit, and The Meditative Mind.
Book Dimension :
length: (cm)17.2 width:(cm)10.8
"A thoughtfully written, persuasive account explainingemotional intelligence and why it can be crucial to yourcareer."
--USA Today
"Good news to the employee looking for advancement [and] awake-up call to organizations and corporations."
--The Christian Science Monitor
"Anyone interested in leadership...should get a copy of thisbook. In fact, I recommend it to all readers anywhere who want tosee their organizations in the phone book in the year 2001."
--Warren Bennis, The New York Times Book Review
From the Trade Paperback edition. -- Review
Anyone interested in leadership and the health of humaninstitutions should get a copy of this book. -- The New York TimesBook Review, Warren Bennis
作者: John
Starred Review. Ripped from the headlines doesn't begin todescribe Updike's latest, a by-the-numbers novelization of the lastfive years' news reports on the dangers of home-grown terror thatpacks a gut punch. Ahmad Mulloy Ashmawy is 18 and attends CentralHigh School in the New York metro area working class city of NewProspect, N.J. He is the son of an Egyptian exchange student whomarried a working-class Irish-American girl and then disappearedwhen Ahmad was three. Ahmad, disgusted by his mother's inability toget it together, is in the thrall of Shaikh Rashid, who runs astorefront mosque and preaches divine retribution for "devils,"including the "Zionist dominated federal government." The list ofdevils is long: it includes Joryleen Grant, the waywardAfrican-American girl with a heart of gold; Tylenol Jones, a blacktough guy with whom Ahmad obliquely competes for Joryleen'sattentions (which Ahmad eventually pays for); Jack Levy, a CentralHigh guidance counselor who at 63 has seen enough failure,including his own, to last him a lifetime (and whose Jewishnessplays a part in a manner unthinkable before 9/11); Jack's wife,Beth, as ineffectual and overweight (Updike is merciless on this)as she is oblivious; and Teresa Mulloy, a nurse's aide and Sundaypainter as desperate for Jack's attention, when he takes on Ahmad'scase, as Jack is for hers. Updike has distilled all their flaws toa caustic, crystalline essence; he dwells on their poor bodies andthe debased world in which they move unrelentingly, and with adispassionate cruelty that verges on shocking. Ahmad's revulsionfor American culture doesn't seem to displease Updike one iota. ButUpdike has also thoroughly digested all of the discursive papsurrounding the post-9/11 threat of terrorism, and that is the realstory here. Mullahs, botched CIA gambits, race and class shame(that leads to poor self-worth that leads to vulnerability thatleads to extremism), half-baked plots that just might work-all arehere, and dispatched with an elegance that highlights theirbanality and how very real they may be. So smooth is Updike inputting his grotesques through their paces-effortlessly puttingthem in each others' orbits-that his contempt for them enhancesrather than spoils the novel.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of ReedElsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to theHardcover edition.