作者: Michael T. Osterholm Ph.d 著
出版社:Random House US 2001-10-1
简介: America is one killer organism away from a living nightmarethat threatens all we hold dear.... A deadly cloud of powdered anthrax spores settles unnoticed overa crowded football stadium.... A school cafeteria lunch is infectedwith a drug-resistant strain of E. coli.... Thousands in a bustlingshopping mall inhale a lethal mist of smallpox, turning eachindividual into a highly infectious agent of suffering anddeath.... Dr. Michael Osterholm knows all too well the horrifying scenarioshe describes. In this eye-opening account, the nation’s leadingexpert on bioterrorism sounds a wake-up call to the terrifyingthreat of biological attack — and America’s startling lack ofpreparedness. He demonstrates the havoc these silent killers can wreak, exposesthe startling ease with which they can be deployed, and asksprobing questions about America’s ability to respond to suchattacks. Are most doctors and emergency rooms able to diagnose correctlyand treat anthrax, smallpox, and other potential tools in thebioterrorist’s arsenal? Is the government developing theappropriate vaccines and treatments? The answers are here in riveting detail — what America has andhasn’t done to prevent the coming bioterrorist catastrophe.Impeccably researched, grippingly told, Living Terrors presents theunsettling truth about the magnitude of the threat. And moreimportant, it presents the ultimate insider’s prescription forchange: what we must do as a nation to secure our freedom, ourfuture, our lives.