作者: Alma
出版社:Random House US 2002年03月
简介: From the esteemed New Yorker correspondent comes an incisivevolume of essays and reportage that vividly illuminates LatinAmerica’s recent history. Only Alma Guillermoprieto, the mosthighly regarded writer on the region, could unravel the complexthreads of Colombia’s cocaine wars or assess the combination ofdespotism, charm, and political jiu-jitsu that has kept FidelCastro in power for more than 40 years. And no one else can writewith such acumen and sympathy about statesmen and campesinos,leftist revolutionaries and right-wing militias, and politicalfigures from Evita Peron to Mexico’s irrepressible president,Vicente Fox. Whether she is following the historic papal visit to Havana orstaying awake for a pre-dawn interview with an insomniacSubcomandante Marcos, Guillermoprieto displays both the passion andknowledge of an insider and the perspective of a seasoned analyst.Looking for History is journalism in the finest traditions of JoanDidion, V. S. Naipaul, and Ryszard Kapucinski: observant,empathetic, and beautifully written.